Fruit flies
These are tiny white or brown flies no more than 2 mm in length.
They can
appear as a cloud when the compost bin lid is removed. Anyone who
puts fruit and vegetable wastes into their bin may encounter these
at some point during the summer. They are totally
harmless and are part of the composting
process, feeding on the fruit acids contained in the material. To
discourage them bury your fruit waste underneath the garden material
or wrap it in newspaper. A thin layer of soil will temporarily suppress
their population.
Another decomposer organism, in this case specialising in breaking down
the cellulose fibres contained in woody
material such as hedge clippings. Again, perfectly harmless and should
be no cause for concern.
secondary decomposers, these
organisms move in when the fungi have completed their work. There are
two main types of worm, Earthworms and
Tiger worms. The main difference between them is that Earthworms are
burrowers and live in the soil, whereas tiger worms live within the nutrient
rich decomposing material.
Many types of fungi live in the compost bin. These are primary decomposers
and get to work on the material immediately. Their presence is sometimes
mistaken as a sign that all is not well. However if fungi forms mushrooms
on the surface of the composting material, this denotes a healthy compost
Slugs and
Two examples of decomposer organisms that are seen as pests in other
parts of the garden, but are helpful in the compost bin. Compost bins
can be seen as breeding grounds for slugs and snails
and as a result people can be discouraged from composting. Whilst there
are no guarantees
that they will not be tempted to move to other areas, the compost bin
offers a number of advantages. In particular a plentiful food supply
in a secure environment. On no account should slug powder or pellets
be used in the bin as this would kill other beneficial organisms.
Occasionally ants can set up a colony in a compost bin. They do not
harm the composting process, in fact by making burrows in the material
they provide air passages as well as breaking down some of the material
itself. Generally, their presence will indicate that the mix is too dry.
As with slugs, no poison should be used to remove them. Spraying the
ants with cold water will encourage them to leave, do not use boiling
water as this would kill many other beneficial organisms.
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